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Last Updated:
2/3/2025 9:30 PM


  Akita Rescue MidAtlantic Coast, Inc.
Our Mission is to rescue...educate...support

Akita Rescue, Mid-Atlantic Coast, Inc. (ARMAC), is one of the oldest Akita rescue groups in the United States, and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  ARMAC was founded by a small group of concerned Akita owners and has been serving the Mid-Atlantic seaboard since 1984.  Our highest priority is to save and rehome Akitas in area shelters, however, we also address a wide variety of Akita needs such as educating potential owners, referrals, support for Akita owners, and evaluations of dogs in private homes and shelters.


Our primary mission is finding good homes for abandoned Akitas. Most of our dogs come from local animal shelters after being found as strays or turned in by their owners.

When ARMAC is notified of an Akita in a shelter, an ARMAC volunteer will evaluate the dog. If the volunteer determines that the dog is a good candidate for adoption and ARMAC has room to foster another Akita, we will purchase the dog from the shelter.

The rescued dog is then immediately taken to an approved veterinarian to be wormed, vaccinated, spayed or neutered, and microchipped. After being released from the vet, the lucky Akita will live in a foster home until a suitable "forever home" can be found. In the foster home, he will be crate trained, learn some obedience training, and how to comport himself in a socially acceptable manner.


Although Akitas are extraordinarily cute as puppies, they grow up to be powerful, willful dogs. Once the puppy is grown, an owner may not want or be able to face the challenge of living with an Akita. One our our favorite sayings is "When the teddy bear becomes a grizzly bear, they call Akita Rescue."

We make information available to help potential owners understand the characteristics of the breed so that they can be prepared for the challenges involved or choose a different breed. We will also consult with any Akita owner or potential Akita owner with advice on raising and training an Akita. With a knowledgeable owner many Akita problems can be prevented. We also spread the all-important message to spay or neuter all pets to prevent the casual breeding of litters of unwanted puppies.


We offer consultation for Akita owners suffering from problem behaviors. Sometimes, all it takes is a phone call to understand and solve a problem.  Some situations may require a home visit to meet and evaluate the dog and its living circumstances.  In other cases, problem behaviors may arise not because either the home or the Akita is "bad", but rather because they are mismatched. Our experienced volunteers will help an owner minimize the impact of such a mismatch.

If an owner absolutely cannot keep an Akita, we will assist the owner in finding a good home for the dog. ARMAC will continue to be available as a resource to the new owner.

We also refer owners to animal care providers who are familiar with the Akita breed and its characteristics, and can help owners find the right vet, kennel, or pet store for their Akitas.


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