Remmy is 6 months 2.5 weeks old. . She is about 60 pounds and an angel. She has had limited interactions with young children, the few instances she has had, she was excited but no accidents occurred. She is very social and loves to be around many other animals. She has not lived with any other animals but I am sure if she was placed with a family they would get accustomed to each other quickly.These past few days in my parents house she has been around a cat, and they have been scared of each other but no fights! She has no problems with people being around her when she eats or even being touched. She has a few favorite toys but would be just as entertained by a stick in the back yard. She plays fetch with herself and seems to love it.
Remmy is house trained but she has rarely peed during excitement of meeting someone new in the house. She was not trained in an obedience class but she can sit, hand you her paws and lay down by order. She is very strong so during walks I would not suggest children taking the lead, however she will listen to snaps and quick tugs and will get back on track and walk calmly. SHe takes to riding in cars very well, she does not get sick, she is nervous and a little scared so I would not suggest long road trips but she is perfectly fine for trips through town or a 2 hour ride.
Remmy is very playful and would escape as a game. She would come back, but if you run away from her she will immediately chase after you. She is very fast so I would suggest a fence to keep her from getting the opportunity. She is cage trained but does not like it very much. She does not sleep in the cage during night time, but for up to 6 hour periods, she is perfectly fine being locked up. She is quickly attached to those who give her love. She will follow you into every room you go into just to be next to you. She does have separation anxiety but however it is not debilitating and you can easily distract her with toys or a treat. She does not bite or chew on things, she may jump on the bed and nibble on the sheets but only harmless loving things :) She is a complete angel, everyone who meets Remmy loves her. She will lick your hand until it is all wet.
For further information about Remmy please email or call 703-730-0844.
More about Remmy
Good with Dogs
Other Pictures of Remmy (click to see larger version):