About Malachai |
- Status: Adopted!
- Adoption Fee: $250.00
- Species: Dog
- Color: fawn, heavy blk overlay, blk mask, white markings
- Current Size: 87 Pounds
- Potential Size: 100 Pounds
- Current Age: 16 Years 2 Months (best estimate)
- Microchipped: Yes
- Housetrained: Yes
Hi, my name is Malachai. I was taken by Animal Control when I and my "male shepherd mix" companion were running around together. We were put in separate areas and had a hard time communicating, but it was cool. Our family would come get us like they did before. Except this time , they didn't. HELLO !!! FAMILY???!!!! Where are you? The people here are good to us; we are fed, have water, get some exercise, but some very disquieting things happen here. Here is the worst: dogs are there one day and the next they are gone. No families came to get them ( like our has not come to get us). The humans here say sadly that "their time was up". What does that mean? I checked myself all over and could not find an expiration date anywhere and don't recall seeing one on any dog I have met. So how could "their time be up"? I was becoming more and more concerned the longer I was there. The AC officer told me that my family had decided not to come and get us. They were not going to pay the cost to get us out: a fine for us running at large and boarding fees. What do they expect when they leave intact dogs outside who are completely bored and whoa! smell a female in heat? Of course we took off, what male wouldn't? Besides, it is much more interesting to run around and check things out than stay tied in one place. Maybe inside the house would have been interesting, too. But we never found out. So, I began to think I was in more trouble than before. Then one of the shelter workers came by and told me I was a "lucky dog". The local Akita rescue (huh?) had room. They had been contacted and one dog had just left so there was an open space. Okay ... this is a good thing, right?
A few days later a lady and man came in. They smelled really interesting; lots of dogs, and CATS (Oh Boy! Now there's some fun!). The shelter worker took me out, we went into a room and the new people put food down in front of me. I ate of course, but they kept stroking me with this hand, pushing my face away from the food, taking the bowl away. Okay.. I get it now that they were testing me, but how annoying is that? I passed the test and they took me outside to the exercise area. THANK YOU, GOD !! I used the facilities several times in several ways and felt much better !! I hated going in my living space. She called me over, and felt my paws, my ears, looked at my teeth, checked me out all over. I mean ALL OVER...really, we don't know each other that well !!! She was polite about it and I just let her do it if that is what it takes to get my butt out of here...and the rest of me, too !!!! They took me with them !! Whew...I was beginning to think that my "time would be up" soon and did not want to find out what that meant.
At the end of the ride, we went into a house and yup, other dogs, but all of them were Akitas, like me. I was put into a crate..not sure I like this, but I like being inside. There were also cats. The other dogs were polite and introduced themselves and told me all would be well as long as I remembered to listen to the lady. They said as long as she was happy, everyone was happy and they wanted to keep it that way. That meant leaving the cats alone, which was made very clear to me. Allrighty, I would keep that in mind. Both she and the man walked me, gave me a bath, took me to the vet, and I got into the daily routine. She told me my stay with her was only temporary and I would be going somewhere else to be "fostered" whatever that means. Not too long afterward, they took me to another house, where I was crated again and met a female Akita named EV, who is really nice, but a piece of work. I was "neutered" and guys, let's don't go there. You really don't want to know. After I recovered, I met EV face to face and we got along very well. Aaron, my foster dad, is taking me to obedience class. There were two other Akitas there who were also rescue dogs, Bertie and Sam. Sam is Bertie's dad. How cool is that to be able to see your canine family? We get along pretty well. Most people are amazed that three male Akitas are so good together. Well, look at the alternative dogs there: Boston Terriers, labs, boxer, a shaggy mix of some kind. Really, give the choice of them or other Akitas, there is no choice. Besides, Bertie and Sam are pretty cool guys and pretty laid back. I should soon earn my CGC (Canine Good Citizen) award. The lady who originally took me out of the shelter said it would enhance my adoptability and she plans to do it with all rescue dogs. Adoptability? Another home to get used to? But I have been assured that the next place I go will be the last place, my forever home. I can deal with that.
Not too long ago, I was one of the Akitas at the Pet Expo, along with Sam and another of his sons, Raiden. He is just as easy going as Sam and Bertie. We all hung out at the booth, got lots of attention and belly rubs...that Sam, he is a champion belly rub slut ! Again all were amazed at how well we got along in this small area. And the rescue people could not say enough good things about me and Sam...nor could our audience.
So, now you know my story. I am described as being exceptionally laid back even among Akitas and especially for my age (under 2 years, but over 1 year). I get along with most large dogs, am very easy going, friendly but self contained, housebroken, crate trained, and healthy. I am not crazy about small dogs, white, fluffy ones in particular and rather predatory around cats. Hey, they're cats. They run, I chase. I ride well in a car, and soon will be considered officially well schooled in manners once I get my CGC, and do not doubt that I will. I am looking for a family with older children who have no cats or small dogs and who want a guy who can fit into any lifestyle. If you are that family and want to hook up, call rescue and let them know. I'll be happy to make your acquaintance.
Summary from his temporary foster home. Malachai was a stray, running with a neutered male shepherd. Passed his temperament test with flying colors: no food or toy aggression, ignored the other dogs barking at him walking down the aisle. In his temporary foster home where he stayed for 10 days, he made big strides. He went from tossing his head and obstructing when the training collar was applied to happily poking his head through. He does not pull on the leash and will heel when asked to do so. Rode well in the van, behaved at the vet when examined. Initially grumped a little at the resident dogs, but quit within 24 hours. Went from flopping like a fish at end of the lead when a dog in the backyard threw himself aggressively at the fence to listening to "leave it" and just watching out of the corner of his eye. Not sure of his behavior with children; looks interested, but not in an aggressive way. This handsome young guy has great potential to be a wonderful companion.